Clocking in
Another symbol of rapprochement between the two Koreas is due to happen today, as the North sets its clocks forward by 30 minutes to match the South’s official time. The two countries had been out of kilter since 2015, when North Korea decided to put its time back to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of Japanese occupation (and scorn its southern neighbour in the process). Time-zone decisions have often been the result of political posturing flying in the face of logic. The single time zone that spans the entire landmass of China was ushered in by the Communist party in 1949 as a symbol of unification but it leaves swathes of people in the west of the country in the dark – literally. In Xinjiang province the sun doesn’t rise in the winter until about 10.00 and doesn’t set in summer until midnight. Proof then that time zones should be less political and more practical.