Welcome to the world of Monocle - Film | Monocle

Welcome to the world of Monocle

Edits / Monocle

Welcome to the world of Monocle

Want to know what makes us – and our readers – tick? This short film about our publications, broadcasts, events, community and retail ventures will fill you in. Since 2007, Monocle has grown from a print magazine offering fresh, optimistic perspectives into a globally influential media company that sets the agenda in everything from diplomacy to design, onscreen and on air. Today, we have HQs in Zürich and London, as well as bureaux and correspondents in cities from Paris to Tokyo. With a trusted and still-expanding presence in digital news, books, bricks-and-mortar retail, brand collaborations, podcasts and more, we’re the place that people (and businesses) come to for smart solutions and an engaged, common-sense read on the world.

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