Hail to the chefs | Monocle

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Commuting to a palace might be tough but somebody has to do it. Such are the tribulations of Alberto Figna, who admits that he works in “an extraordinary place”. Figna is president and ceo of Alma culinary school, which occupies four floors of the magnificent Colorno Palace, a 17th-century masterpiece just outside the city of Parma that’s known as the “Versailles of the Dukes of Parma”. The venue is befitting of the institution, which was established in 2004 and sees 1,000 students pass through its doors every year – about 20 per cent of whom are from outside Italy.

“Alma is by some distance the largest, most recognised and most important Italian cooking school,” says Figna. His role, which he calls “complicated but also very stimulating”, is to develop the school and increase its international profile. Alma works with a network of global schools, which send students to Italy (on the day monocle visits, there’s a delegation from Taiwan). It also participates in a venture in Bangkok called The Food School. “Alma is growing a lot,” says Figna. “And we believe that it can also grow a lot in the future.”

Located in the heart of Emilia-Romagna’s ‘Food Valley’ – land of cured ham and Parmesan cheese – Alma has a strong crossover with industry (pasta giant Barilla and tomato-sauce king Mutti are based in Parma), helping to get students into placements and working with guest teachers. There is a core staff of 17 chefs and 26 academic professors who teach international courses in English, as well as Italian-language programmes that cover everything from F&B to baking and pastry.

Figna, who has been in his role since 2023, says that he couldn’t do without his staff, which includes everyone from a café assistant to a graphic designer. They all contribute to creating a place of educational excellence (and where lunch, as you might expect, goes above and beyond). “Alma is a school where there is a great sense of belonging and where the students are very united,” he says. “We believe that they can go on to be the best ambassadors of the Italian way of life around the world.” — L


Alberto Figna
President & CEO

Figna hails from a family of millers. He worked for Parma-based pasta company Barilla, first in southern Italy and then in the US and East Africa. He has held managerial roles in diverse sectors across the Food Valley. He currently maintains his position as president of milling company Agugiaro & Figna Molini (a key school partner, particularly for the modern bakery course). He previously worked as ceo of Gazetta di Parma Group and is on the board of directors of the company that manages Parma Airport.

1.Gianluca Montalbetti


2. Luis Guerra

3. Jessica Ferri
“They are the bridge between teachers and students. As they have been Alma students themselves, they’re aware of what that means and they’re able to help and support students.”

4. Paola Masini
Marketing and sponsorship specialist

5. Adi Moravia
Café assistant

6.Simone Spartà

7. Luigi Margiovanni
Alma ambassador and consultant

8. Fabio Giacopelli
Cooking techniques teacher
“He is a human encyclopaedia of produce and producers, gastronomic traditions and cooking techniques.”

9. Stefano Venturelli
Hospitality manager

10. Laura Torresin
Cuisine teacher (international students)

11. Pierfrancesco Petta
Cuisine sous-chef

12. Najoua Bel Haj El Karim
“She has a strategic role. Every day, she takes care of hundreds of plates, glasses and kitchenware to keep our school running.”

13. Cristina Ceci

14.Manuel Alinovi

15. Nunzia Cozzolino
Educational adviser

16. Francesca Giopp
Nutrition teacher

17.Ludovica Tramontano
Event manager

18. Daniele Bersellini
Housing maintenance

19. Andrea Cavalli
Students’ officer
“She is a beacon for the students, from the moment they arrive until graduation, following their daily life.”

20. Prisca Ferrari
Management secretary

21. Margherita Leoncini
Culinary education secretary

22. Davide Peracchi
Graphic designer
“Alma’s brand image is driven by his creative ideas, both for marketing materials and internal communication.”

23. Chiara Carnevali
Culinary education secretary

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