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The pristine appearance of the cyclists at the start line couldn’t be more at odds with the bloody pursuit they’re set to embark on. Rare is a race without a crash and the most common injury is a fractured clavicle (the collarbone). It’s this biomechanical crumple-zone that gives its name to the new iPad photo-app, created by designer Luke Scheybeler (co-founder of London-based cycle clothing company Rapha) and photographer
Camille McMillan.

Halfway between an elegant online gallery and a magazine, The Collarbone’s interface presents users with picture sets to purchase, much from McMillan’s reportage. Actively avoiding “bike porn”, McMillan often looks askance at the spectacle he loves. An image of an apparently deserted Tuscan town contains just a subtle suggestion in a street mirror of the big names who’ll pedal through it.

“I started taking photos at bike races when I was a kid,” McMillan says. “The images I make now are an attempt to recapture the excitement of being a 10-year-old at a six-day race in the middle of the night, surrounded by grown-ups, booze, cigarettes and glamorous riders.” In a move from digital to analogue, the next step will see The Collarbone published in print.

Polished performer

Global — AUDIO

Samsung’s new DA-E750 audio dock supports all Apple and Samsung Galaxy devices either docked or via wireless. With exceptional sound quality (bring on the summer parties!) and a polished dark wood finish, it is perfect for the more discerning good-time geek.

All abroad

São Paulo — BOOKSHOP

São Paulo’s Freebook has been bringing foreign publications to Brazil for more than 35 years. Founded by husband and wife Manuel Dias Teixeira and Maria Christina Serra, the shop used to sell only to corporate clients, but last December it opened to the general public. The tiny spot in the middle of the buzz of Rua da Consolação offers a bunch of new books from the US and Europe every week, plus a selection of fresh magazines such as Elephant, Frame and Archive.

Well connected


A total of €5.89bn is expected to be spent on online advertising in 2012 targeting 46.8 million adults around the world. Norway tops the ranking with an average of €163 spent per person. The US comes third with an average of €133, right behind Australia at €139.


Ben Olins 

Co-founder, Herb Lester


Launched in 2010, Herb Lester is a double-act between Jane Smillie and Ben Olins offering beautifully designed, and most importantly, handy, collectable maps of cities and top spots around the world.

How did you start Herb Lester?
We started with a guide to places where people who don’t have an office can meet and work, You Are Here. We’ve published 14 maps since then: a few on London, plus Berlin, Paris, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Chicago.

Tell us more about the design?
We want the maps to be seen as a collection with an overall approach to their design. Our big inspiration is old travel guides where the emphasis is on what makes a city different. When we brief designers, we ask them to focus on the distinctive aspects of a city.

How do you decide on which city or suburb to go for?
We choose places we know and like or places we want to know and think we’d like. We’re making these guides for people like us. We get tips from friends. Then we do a lot of research.

What’s next on your radar? We’re working on quite a few maps: more New York, Paris and London; also cities in Spain, Italy and Scandinavia. We have a busy time ahead.

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