Fashion | Monocle

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A bit on the side

Articolo's stable of tables

Bringing the spotlight back on the side table is Articolo, a new internet retailer based in New York. Co-founded by Emanuela Frattini Magnusson in collaboration with Carl Gustav Magnusson the former design director of Knoll, the company’s debut collection has been created by designers such as Ross Lovegrove and James Irvine. Next year prototypes by Alberto Meda and André Klauser will be released.

Fab Hag

A modernist farmhouse in Austria

Designed by the Austrian architect Hans Zeiner, this modernist homestead is enough to make a life of mucking out pigs seem almost glamorous. The three-bedroom house and barn is in Austrian village Oed. Called “Hag” – an abbreviation of the client’s surname – it’s due to be completed in October.

Green house

Eco by Riko

Slovenian construction firm Riko is a pioneer in the growing market for eco-homes. It makes wooden frames that are used by architects as a base to create modern rustic residencies. International demand for these timber constructions, which are protected with natural coatings and insulated with wooden fibres, is growing. Yoo, the property development company set up by John Hitchcox, Philippe Starck and Jade Jagger, is planning to launch its first collection of homes in the Cotswolds built using the homely Riko structures.

On a smaller scale, is this family home in Prodreca, a village near Ljubljana. It was completed this year and has been designed by Slovenian architects, Zala Kos and Jozica Kuntaric.

Study in style

Inspiring university buildings

Giving uninspired students every reason to hit the books is the soon-to-open Hawke Building at Adelaide’s University of South Australia. Located on the City West campus, the building’s contorted concrete look is the work of the Melbourne-based practice John Wardle Architects. Inside there are seminar and conference rooms, a 400-seat lecture theatre and an art gallery. The students will be in good company, too – it’s also home to former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke’s political archive. It opens in October.

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