On the move / London
Where are you going?
It’s time to go. Walk out the door. There’s a big, inspiring world out there and by getting on a plane or train you might just find the perfect spot for your next venture.

It’s a new year. You’ve had your very nice break, you’ve eaten like a determined polar bear and you’ve made your list of things to do in 2014. Well do them. This is the point at which you need some momentum, so give yourself a metaphorical kick up the backside and get a move on.
There’s a world of opportunity out there and to help you make the most of it we’ve drawn up an itinerary across our A to E sections for where we think you should be headed – whether you are a diplomat on the up or a restaurateur needing some inspiration after a bit too much molecular cooking.
While we may be highlighting opportunities, we are not just talking about where to make more money but rather where you can find a better place to live, a neighbourhood to start that modest business and a town to shoot your first movie in. But whatever happens make sure you get on a train, tram, boat or plane soon.
One of the things you notice as you meet monocle readers at events around the world is a shared belief that success, happiness and excitement comes from being engaged in the world, and that means going places and meeting interesting people. It’s a belief that’s also at the heart of this magazine. We have made a business and a community of readers and supporters by fastening our seat belts and preparing for take-off. We could not have created this nicely rounded media adventure if we had stayed at home and waited for everyone to come to us.
At the close of 2013 we seemed to be constantly on the move for subscriber parties (it really is worth joining) and events for the launch of the Monocle Guide to Better Living. Now as I write this I am surrounded by small piles of crisp business cards given to me by people who may have come to say hello and have a drink or two but who then also told me about people we need to meet, clever folk we really should be writing about, cooks waiting for recognition, architects with ingenious ideas, even people they think we should be doing some business with. These modest cards, often with my hasty annotations, will help me chart at least part of my course over the next 12 months.
That’s why we always flinch when we hear about companies with travel bans or civic leaders scared to expense more than a bus ticket. It sounds like a recipe for shrivelled ambition and more of the same. So please ignore your inner accountant and book a ticket because the world is a big, interesting place and if you want to find a perfect plot (for a movie or to build a home) you are going to have to pick up your passport, lace up your shoes and hit the road. Good luck.