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Kiwi news presenters have had a backlash – not for their reports but for the language they’re delivering them in. A handful of radio and television presenters have been peppering their reports with Maori words, which has prompted complaints from audiences and commentators. So what exactly is the problem? Tova O’Brien, Newshub’s Europe correspondent, says that the backlash is down to “a very small handful” of mostly older citizens who are keen to “bang the race drum”. New Zealand has been grappling with intolerance recently: Winston Peters, a politician of Maori descent, ran on an anti-immigration platform and won enough votes to become deputy prime minister in the last election. Still, O’Brien says anti-Maori sentiments are largely a thing of the past and most people are happy to hear one of New Zealand’s official languages. “If anything we need to be speaking it more,” she says.