Four-letter word
What’s in a name? Well, for the leaders of Canada and the US who triumphantly unveiled the revamped North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) yesterday, quite a bit. The rancorous year-long renegotiation of Nafta, regarded by many as a Trump-led rebranding exercise, sank Canada-US relations to an all-time low. And despite the smiles in Washington and Ottawa yesterday, there appears to be a fresh niggle between the two sides: which acronym to use. Canada wants USMCA, which gives it the same weight – in lettering terms at least – as the US. Trump, however, reportedly favours USMC, which echoes with the acronym for the US Marine Corps. The acrimony of the past year may appear to be over but something as simple as a humble acronym may become a final sticking point as the governments in Washington, Ottawa and Mexico City move to ratify the deal.