Great space race
President Donald Trump is still adamant that he wants the US to assemble a “Space Force”. Although the name of the division could be lifted straight from a bad B-movie, it might not be as strange as it sounds. For one, US-China competition is currently playing out above the Earth’s atmosphere with the recent launch of China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System constellation. It’s a rival to the US’s Global Positioning System and is expected to be active by 2020. Trump’s calls for a space police force also received a recent boost. A new independent study from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies has said that the initiative could cost $2.7bn (€2.4bn) in new spending over five years, significantly less than a $13bn Pentagon estimate. With nothing expected to be ready until at least 2020 though, we may have to wait and see if this otherworldly plan launches successfully.