As this is the last column for 2023, I’m going to deliver today’s thoughts, observations and wishes in classic countdown form for our far-flung readers ringing in the New Year. Here we go!
What do you do if you’re a country worried about how you’re going to balance your budgets in 2024 and keep your coffers filled? You might raise taxes (never a vote winner) or you could sell off some prized state enterprises (always looks like a fire sale). Or what about going after all those brands that manage to take your flag, whack it on a piece of sportswear and get away without paying any royalties to the state treasury? After a week in the mountains it’s clear that a few nations are missing out on some serious revenue. The Stars and Stripes, Union Jack, Rising Sun and Norwegian red, white and blue have found their way onto all kinds of garments – some good, most dreadful. While wandering through the village, I wondered whether any nation had seriously gone after a skiwear brand for using its flag stretched across the bum of a pair of ski pants? Part of the problem is that Norway hardly needs the money – ditto Switzerland – so both can’t be bothered. And countries that could use the funds don’t end up emblazoned across the back of a puffa jacket. But perhaps there’s an opportunity in all of this: an emerging nation licences its handsome flag to an Italian activewear brand in search of some hot new stripes.
Speaking of activewear, a good friend in Stockholm decided on no more expensive, plastic winter gear for her kids. Instead, she decided to go for a more cost-saving measure by buying all seven of her brood vintage mink coats – boys included. “They’re going cheap, they’re super warm and everyone looks great,” she explained. “Also, could I be more sustainable? Better on my kids than in the landfill.”
Did you see the news? Monocle’s next major event is going to be its first-ever conference in Asia in the form of the Hong Kong edition of The Chiefs on 27 and 28 March. To register, drop a note to Hannah at
I’ve spent a lot of time reading over the past week. One of the best stories was in the NZZ and focused on the workplace of today versus the workplace of yore. The opening photo showed a gentleman sitting on a Swissair flight with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, most likely reading the NZZ. The article spoke to people born in the 1940s, some still employed in regular day jobs, and asked them what they missed about the old days. The zinger was a woman working for a retailer, who asked why a simple headache demands a day off. “What happened to taking an aspirin and getting on with things?” How’s that for a mantra for a new year in the workplace?
It’s happening! The sneaker trend is finally coming to a halt and proper leather footwear is coming back. Hurray! How do I know this? Part of it is on the street observation in Paris and Tokyo but also the number of readers asking about which brand they should turn to for loafers and brogues. Gents and ladies please take note: Paraboot, John Lobb, Heschung, Alden and JM Weston all work.
“What would I like to see less of in 2024?” you ask. Goodness, great question. I would like to see fewer empty corporate ESG guff and more about what makes companies truly great within their sector and how they plan on being more competitive, innovative and simply fun places to work.
What would I like to see more of in 2024? Faster trains between Zürich and Paris (down to three hours please), more hotel windows that open properly, more proper knobs and switches in everyday life, fewer fiddly screens for simple tasks, more people who introduce themselves properly in casual company and maintain eye contact, and more good local shops for brooms and bulbs, kettles and kitchen towels. Someone is going to bring the corner hardware store back and become a tycoon in the process. Just watch.
I’m looking forward to a bit more time in Paris (is such a thing possible?), exploring more of Portugal, sampling the Tatoï Club in Athens and a couple of roadtrips. 2024 should also be the year for a return to Australia and NZ.
If you have another week off, sample the following. Outdoor lunch at Langosteria is a near perfect set-up when Remo is hosting, Karla is contributing interesting thoughts on comms and Elena is holding court. It’s also just up the slope from our new little Monocle outpost in the heart of St Moritz.
Thank you, merci, danke, obrigado, graçias, arigato gozaimasu from all of us at Monocle for all your support, wishes, ideas and company over the past year. Looking forward to sharing more with you across 2024 and beyond. Happy New Year.