Refugees at the Games and the transformation of Paris | Monocle

Monocle in Paris

Refugees at the Games and the transformation of Paris



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Cover art for Monocle in Paris

1 August 2024

Episode 4

58 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

How are the Olympic Games changing Paris? Join us for day four of our residency at Maison Allianz. Allianz is a Worldwide Insurance Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We speak with Didier Fusillier, director of the Grand Palais, to discover how the iconic landmark has been transformed for the event. We then turn our attention to the public space to hear from the deputy mayor tasked with keeping Paris’s streets clean. Then: Paula Barrachina, spokesperson for UNHCR France, tells us about refugee representation in the Games, while producer Manon Dave plays us the track that he composed for the Refugee Olympic Team. Plus: Parisian headlines with journalist Colette Davidson and a sports dispatch with Kieran Pender.

1 August 2024

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