The United States Pavilion – ‘American Framing’ - Monocle on Design 503 | Monocle

Monocle on Design

Venice Biennale, part two



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Cover art for Monocle on Design

1 June 2021

Episode 503

30 minutes

Photo: Alberto Bernasconi

From wood-framed construction to the world in 2038, we meet the entrants from the US, Britain and Germany. Plus: we reflect on diversity at the biennale.

1 June 2021

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Chapter 1

9 minutes

Photo: Alberto Bernasconi




Chapter 1

The United States Pavilion – ‘American Framing’

Cover art for Monocle on Design

The US entry this year is dedicated to wood-framed construction, an often overlooked but vital part of American architectural heritage. To find out more, we spoke to Paul Preissner co-commissioner and co-curator of the installation.

9 minutes

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The United States Pavilion – ‘American Framing’

Chapter 2

8 minutes

Photo: Cristiano Corte, British Council




Chapter 2

The British pavilion – ‘The garden of privatised delights’

Cover art for Monocle on Design

We speak to Madeline Kessler, co-curator of ‘The garden of privatised delights’ - a look at the thorny issue of privatised public space across the UK. Commissioned by the British Council, the exhibition examines the role that design and architecture can play in making these spaces more inclusive and accessible.

8 minutes

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The British pavilion – ‘The garden of privatised delights’

Chapter 3

5 minutes

Photo: Federico Torra




Chapter 3

The German pavilion - ‘2038: The New Serenity’

Cover art for Monocle on Design

The German pavilion turns our attention to the future, transporting us to 2038 for an immersive film experience that allows us to see the history of a better world. We speak to some of the brains behind the project, Christopher Roth and Olaf Grawert of the collaborative group Team 2038.

5 minutes

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The German pavilion - ‘2038: The New Serenity’

Chapter 4

6 minutes

Photo: Alberto Bernasconi




Chapter 4

The Venice Biennale and diversity

Cover art for Monocle on Design

Monocle’s Europe editor at large Ed Stocker reflects on the diversity of this year’s entrants and the exhibitions presented.

6 minutes

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The Venice Biennale and diversity


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