Navalny’s funeral, Sunak’s speech and a Russian spy exposed | Monocle

Monocle on Saturday

Navalny’s funeral, Sunak’s speech and a Russian spy exposed



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Cover art for Monocle on Saturday

2 March 2024

Episode 196

35 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

On Friday the funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny drew thousands of mourners. What was the mood in Moscow? In the UK what has the reaction been to prime minister Rishi Sunak’s Downing Street address on Friday evening? Meanwhile in Austria, an investigation has exposed the fraudulent COO of Wirecard as a decade-long GRU spy – what do we know? Join Vincent McAviney and political journalist Terry Stiastny for all this, as well as a breakdown of the Willy Wonka experience scam in Glasgow. Plus: Monocle’s Fernando Augusto Pacheco gives us a rundown of the world’s best biscuits.

2 March 2024

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