Trump’s conviction, Iceland’s election and London Gallery Weekend | Monocle

Monocle on Saturday

Trump’s conviction, Iceland’s election and London Gallery Weekend



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Cover art for Monocle on Saturday

1 June 2024

Episode 209

34 minutes

Photo: Nan Goldin

Will the conviction of former President Donald Trump affect his chance of winning the US election in November? And why does Iceland’s election today have more candidates running than ever before? Join Emma Nelson and communications consultant and journalist Simon Brooke as they look through the week’s news and culture. Plus: we look at art and tourism, including co-founder and director of London Gallery Weekend Jeremy Epstein, who joins the show to talk about this weekend’s highlights.

1 June 2024

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Chapter 1

7 minutes




Chapter 1

Iceland’s election

Cover art for Monocle on Saturday

Iceland elects its 7th president today but why are there more candidates than ever before? Global democracy correspondent Bruno Kaufmann reports from Reykjavík.

7 minutes

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Iceland’s election

Chapter 2

9 minutes




Chapter 2

London Gallery Weekend

Cover art for Monocle on Saturday

The world’s largest gallery weekend is under way, with 134 contemporary art galleries participating around the city. The event’s co-founder and director, Jeremy Epstein, joins the show to give us the highlights.

9 minutes

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London Gallery Weekend


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