The race to become Tokyo’s governor begins | Monocle

The Briefing

The race to become Tokyo’s governor begins



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20 June 2024

Episode 3323

37 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

As campaigning begins to become the governor of Tokyo, we hear from Tomohiko Taniguchi, a former special adviser to the cabinet of Shinzo Abe, on who’s in the lead to run the world’s most populous city. Then: Canada lists Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group; and we hear from the United Nations deputy high commissioner for refugees, Kelly Clements, on the agency’s work with the likes of Ikea and Uniqlo to employ refugees. Plus: our weekly global countdown takes us to Sri Lanka.

20 June 2024

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Chapter 1

10 minutes




Chapter 1

World Refugee Day

Cover art for The Briefing

There are now more than 120 million people across the globe who have been forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict and human-rights violations. We speak with United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, Kelly T Clements, to hear how the agency is working with governments and businesses on longer-term solutions.

10 minutes

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World Refugee Day


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