Mark Rutte set to become the next Nato chief | Monocle

The Briefing

Mark Rutte set to become the next Nato chief



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21 June 2024

Episode 3324

33 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

The Netherlands’ longest-serving leader, Mark Rutte, has won the race to become the next head of Nato. But what will the alliance look like under his leadership? Then: Viktor Orbán and Olaf Scholz meet in Berlin to talk about EU co-operation and Slovakia’s parliament approves the abolition of the country’s public broadcaster. Plus: citizens reclaim their cities, turning squares into public living rooms as football takes the continent by storm.

21 June 2024

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Chapter 1

5 minutes




Chapter 1

Slovakia’s parliament abolishes public broadcaster

Cover art for The Briefing

Last night in Bratislava, the Slovak parliament voted for a bill to take control of the country’s public broadcaster RTVS, dissolving the organisation in its current format and replacing it with a body that is controlled more closely by the government. We get the latest with journalist Rob Cameron.

5 minutes

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Slovakia’s parliament abolishes public broadcaster


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