Australia and Indonesia deepen military ties | Monocle

The Briefing

Australia and Indonesia deepen military ties



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30 August 2024

Episode 3374

36 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

Australia and Indonesia have significantly upgraded their military relationship but what does this new defence agreement entail? Then: the EU says that it won’t recognise the “democratic legitimacy” of Venezuela’s election and we sit down with former president of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid at Globsec. Plus: the latest business news and next year’s Eurovision Song Contest prepares to head to Basel.

30 August 2024

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Chapter 1

7 minutes




Chapter 1

Eurovision is heading to Basel

Cover art for The Briefing

Next year’s edition of the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in the Swiss city of Basel. The decision was announced today by the public broadcaster SRG, with Basel beating competition from Geneva. Monocle’s editorial director Tyler Brûlé and Eurovision correspondent Fernando Augusto Pacheco talk about the decision and Swiss hospitality.

7 minutes

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Eurovision is heading to Basel


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