Electric vehicles: the road to cost parity | Monocle

The Bulletin with UBS

Electric vehicles: the road to cost parity



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Cover art for The Bulletin with UBS

16 November 2020

Episode 319

15 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

UBS Q-Series research, powered by the UBS Evidence Lab, connects the dots across asset classes, geographies and sectors. Today we explore a new Q-Series report entitled: ‘Tearing down the heart of an electric car: cost parity a closer reality?’ One of the authors of the piece tells us more about the batteries at the heart of the electric vehicle story. The drive for cost parity with internal combustion engines is critical in this space: it’s crucial in terms of making electric cars a mass-market technology and reducing battery cost is also fundamental for those looking to win in the highly competitive auto-OEM landscape.

16 November 2020

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