UBS Billionaire Ambitions Report 2023 | Monocle

The Bulletin with UBS

UBS Billionaire Ambitions Report 2023



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Cover art for The Bulletin with UBS

18 December 2023

Episode 480

13 minutes

The UBS Billionaire Ambitions Report 2023 is subtitled: “Changing of the guard: The coming era of wealth succession and the drive for greater purpose”.  Max Kunkel, CIO for global family and institutional wealth within UBS Global Wealth Management, joins the show to discuss the findings, including the fact that – for the first time in nine editions of the report – billionaires have accumulated more wealth through inheritance than entrepreneurship. Kunkel explains how a new cohort of multigenerational families is taking shape, how this generation has its own views on legacy and ambition – and why this requires increasingly sophisticated solutions for succession planning and defining common values. 

18 December 2023

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