Kosovo hospitality - The Entrepreneurs 263 | Monocle

The Entrepreneurs

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26 October 2016

Episode 263

30 minutes

Photo: Thomas Ekström

Acclaimed social scientist Dr Robert Cialdini knows all about persuasion and influence. He talks about his new bestseller ‘Pre-Suasion’, which reveals how the world’s best persuaders succeed based on what they do before they deliver their message. Plus: boot-makers in Norway, an Australian dog-walking company with a difference and the former Swiss diplomat running a boutique hotel in Kosovo that’s challenging ethnic stereotypes.

26 October 2016

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Chapter 1

7 minutes




Chapter 1

Robert Cialdini on ‘Pre-suasion’

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

In 1984, Dr Robert Cialdini wrote ‘Influence’, the classic book on the art of persuasion. He’s now considered the world’s leading social scientist in the field of influence. Dr Cialdini’s just released a follow-up book on what he calls ‘pre-suasion’: the idea that the world’s best persuaders succeed based on what they do before they deliver their message. He gives us a crash course.

7 minutes

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Robert Cialdini on ‘Pre-suasion’

Chapter 2

5 minutes




Chapter 2

Dundas Footwear

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

In Oslo we meet Edward Rode-Hæhre, co-founder of brand Dundas Footwear. He shares the company’s story with Monocle’s Henry Rees-Sheridan.

5 minutes

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Dundas Footwear

Chapter 3

6 minutes




Chapter 3

Australian dog walking

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

When Melbourne-based entrepreneur Tom Lillecrapp decided to start a dog-walking company in 2013, he envisioned more than strolling around the suburbs in a tangle of leads. He wanted to take his customers’ pooches on fully fledged adventures. He explains to Monocle’s Adrian Craddock how his company, Tom and Captain, has become a huge success.

6 minutes

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Australian dog walking

Chapter 4

6 minutes




Chapter 4

Kosovo hospitality

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

Kosovo isn’t, perhaps, the most obvious tourist hotspot. But now it has a destination hotel: The Hotel Gracanica. A former Swiss diplomat started the venture with two of his friends from Kosovo’s Roma ethnic minority. As Monocle’s Guy De Launey discovers, the hotel is overcoming longstanding mutual suspicions by staffing the hotel with members of all Kosovo’s ethnic groups.

6 minutes

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Kosovo hospitality


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