Nordic Knots and The True Honey Co | Monocle

The Entrepreneurs

Nordic Knots and The True Honey Co



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Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

16 June 2021

Episode 505

30 minutes

Liza Lazerow and Fabian Berglund are two of the co-founders of Nordic Knots, a Stockholm-based brand making rugs inspired by natural light in the Nordics and classic Scandinavian design. Plus: we meet Jim McMillan, the founder of The True Honey Co, a brand he was inspired to launch in 2013 after flying over hills of Mānuka flowers in remote parts of New Zealand’s north island as a helicopter pilot.

16 June 2021

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Chapter 1

17 minutes




Chapter 1

Nordic Knots

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

Liza Lazerow and Fabian Berglund are two of the co-founders of Nordic Knots, a Swedish brand which wants you to think of home design from the ground up.

17 minutes

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Nordic Knots

Chapter 2

12 minutes




Chapter 2

The True Honey Co

Cover art for The Entrepreneurs

Jim McMillan worked as a helicopter pilot over remote stretches of New Zealand, where he saw large swathes of Mānukathat he thought could be turned into honey. He’s worked to create partnerships beneficial for landowners in creating The True Honey Co.

12 minutes

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The True Honey Co


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