Terrorism and the US election | Monocle

The Global Election

Terrorism and the US election



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Cover art for The Global Election

14 October 2016

Episode 5

26 minutes

Photo: Getty Images

For 15 years, American foreign policy has been dominated by a single word: terrorism. Barack Obama may not use the phrase “global war on terror”, America’s main enemy may have shifted from al-Qaeda to Isis and the tools used in the fight may have changed dramatically but terrorism – that imperfect way of describing a complex battle – remains America’s over-riding fear. In this election the two candidates have very different world views – and very different plans for how to deal with terrorism.

Monocle’s Steve Bloomfield is joined by former UK counter-terrorism chief Chris Phillips, security adviser Sally Leivesley and professor of peace studies at Bradford University Paul Rogers.

14 October 2016

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