The fate of Darfur, defence talks in Hawaii and EU expansion | Monocle

The Globalist

The fate of Darfur, defence talks in Hawaii and EU expansion



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Cover art for The Globalist

1 May 2024

Episode 3322

59 minutes

As war closes in on Darfur’s besieged capital, we get the latest on the conflict in Sudan. Then: Japan, Australia, the US and the Philippines meet in Hawaii for defence talks, we hear the case for EU expansion and examine Georgia’s controversial foreign-agent bill. Plus: responsible tourism in Mallorca.

1 May 2024

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Chapter 1

6 minutes




Chapter 1

Clashes over Georgia’s ‘foreign agents’ bill

Cover art for The Globalist

Last night, police in Tbilisi fired teargas and stun guns at demonstrators who were protesting against an authoritarian bill on ‘foreign agents’. The bill, condemned by critics as Russian-inspired, would require organisations that receive more than 20 per cent of their funding from abroad to register as foreign agents. It has deepened divisions in the polarised country, setting the ruling Georgian Dream party against a movement backed by the president, much of civil society, opposition groups and many celebrities.

6 minutes

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Clashes over Georgia’s ‘foreign agents’ bill


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