Greek antiques, making scents of summer and creating a splash | Monocle

Konfekt Korner

Greek antiques, making scents of summer and creating a splash



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Cover art for Konfekt Korner

25 June 2021

Episode 5

50 minutes

Photo: Nora & Jakub Čaprnka

The latest episode of ‘Konfekt Korner’ is an ode to both summer and the senses, and their ability to spark memories that in turn work as inspiration. Sophie Grove, Marcela Palek and Gillian Dobias meet Slovakian fashion designer Kristína Šipulová to talk about how her country’s long history with traditional embroidery and macramé influences her designs. Then we’re shown around the Greek home of a creative director who recalls memories of treasure-hunting with her mother, and we smell the essence of summer to help us escape to orange groves and forests with perfumer Lyn Harris. Elsewhere, Swiss-Tamil singer Priya Ragu tells us how she draws on her heritage to create perfect summer pop, we learn about a mountain spa treatment called ‘Kneipp’, and Robert Bound muses on the performative nature of diving.

25 June 2021

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