Simon Gillespie, Bradford Parkinson and Hugo Fruehauf, Pelin Opcin | Monocle

The Monocle Weekly

Simon Gillespie, Bradford Parkinson and Hugo Fruehauf, Pelin Opcin



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Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

17 November 2019

Episode 541

01 hour

We meet painting conservator Simon Gillespie in his studio to learn more about the fine art of his profession – and get up close and personal with some truly amazing paintings. Plus: as they receive the Queen Elizabeth prize for engineering, we sit down with Bradford Parkinson and Hugo Fruehauf. It’s hard to imagine a world without the technology they invented: GPS. And we hear about this year’s London Jazz Festival from director Pelin Opcin.

17 November 2019

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Chapter 1

17 minutes




Chapter 1

Simon Gillespie

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

Over the course of his decades-long career, the conservator has restored some of the world’s most extraordinary paintings. Among spectacular works in his studio, he explains what it’s like to have a tactile relationship to art.

17 minutes

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Simon Gillespie

Chapter 2

17 minutes




Chapter 2

Bradford Parkinson and Hugo Fruehauf

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

Parkinson and Fruehauf can truly be credited with changing the world: they invented GPS. As they receive the Queen Elizabeth prize for engineering in recognition of their work, they sit down to discuss how they found their calling.

17 minutes

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Bradford Parkinson and Hugo Fruehauf

Chapter 3

11 minutes




Chapter 3

Pelin Opcin

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

The first week of the London Jazz Festival has finished but the second promises to be even better. We sit down with its director to learn more about one of the UK capital’s premier music events.

11 minutes

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Pelin Opcin


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