Ben Brody, An-My Lê and Giles Price | Monocle

The Monocle Weekly

Ben Brody, An-My Lê and Giles Price



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Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

26 January 2020

Episode 551

01 hour

We meet Ben Brody, whose debut book of images draws on his tours of duty as a US military combat photographer. Plus: An-My Lê discusses her work, which probes the impact of conflict on the landscape, and Giles Price on embracing emerging technologies to find new ways of visual storytelling.

26 January 2020

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Chapter 1

17 minutes




Chapter 1

Ben Brody

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

Ben Brody has been documenting conflict since he joined the US military as a combat photographer aged 22. His debut book, ‘Attention Servicemember’, draws on his archive to paint a disorienting picture of life on the frontline in the Iraq war.

17 minutes

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Ben Brody

Chapter 2

17 minutes




Chapter 2

An-My Lê

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

An-My Lê’s work explores the impact of conflict on the landscape. As a new exhibition of her work opens at London’s Marian Goodman Gallery, she tells us about her measured, penetrating image-making.

17 minutes

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An-My Lê

Chapter 3

13 minutes




Chapter 3

Giles Price

Cover art for The Monocle Weekly

The 2011 tsunami caused a meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power station. Today people are slowly returning to their abandoned homes – but radiation lingers. Giles Price has documented these returnees with thermal imaging in his new book ‘Restricted Residence’.

13 minutes

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Giles Price


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