World Bank and pandemic recovery - The Urbanist 458 | Monocle

The Urbanist

Post-pandemic recovery



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Cover art for The Urbanist

23 July 2020

Episode 458

30 minutes

As governments start to think about post-pandemic recovery plans, we take a look at our cities and what is being done to mitigate the effect of a world brought to a standstill.

23 July 2020

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Chapter 1

15 minutes




Chapter 1

World Bank and pandemic recovery

Cover art for The Urbanist

How do we ensure that our cities are more inclusive and sustainable in the future? Somik Lall, global lead for territorial and spatial development at the World Bank, says that It’s important to look beyond density and think of our urban environments in terms of economic geography to help contain the spread of coronavirus.

15 minutes

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World Bank and pandemic recovery

Chapter 2

9 minutes




Chapter 2

Healthier cities

Cover art for The Urbanist

We wanted to hear more about some of the lessons that planners and designers should take from this period. We discuss how lockdown has highlighted the importance of creating happier and healthier places for us to live in with Andrew Raven, director of master planning and urban design at Savills.

9 minutes

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Healthier cities


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