Guerilla gardening, winter cycling and vacancy tax | Monocle

The Urbanist

Guerilla gardening, winter cycling and vacancy tax



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Cover art for The Urbanist

28 March 2024

Episode 650

29 minutes

Green thumbs can help to transform communities. We speak to an activist and horticulturist about how gardening has had a positive effect on his neighbourhood – and helped it to heal after tragedy. Then: we find out how two wintery countries encourage their citizens to take to two wheels, as well as what similarities they share. Plus: a look at a proposed tax designed to ensure that housing stock in Austria is utilised to its fullest.

28 March 2024

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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Guerilla gardening

Cover art for The Urbanist

We speak with activist and horticulturist Tayshan Hayden-Smith about his new book, ‘Small Space Revolution: Planting Seeds of Change in Your Community’, and how gardening can transform a community.

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Guerilla gardening

Chapter 2

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Photo: Getty Images




Chapter 2

Winter cycling

Cover art for The Urbanist

Sheena Rossiter explores how countries that are fairly familiar with freezing temperatures embrace cycling in different ways at the Winter Cycling Congress in Canada.

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Winter cycling

Chapter 3

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Photo: Shutterstock




Chapter 3

Vacancy tax

Cover art for The Urbanist

Alexei Korolyov looks at Austria’s proposed vacancy tax, which is designed to ensure that the country’s housing stock is staying occupied.

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Vacancy tax


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