Law and order | Monocle

The Urbanist

Law and order



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Cover art for The Urbanist

9 July 2015

Episode 195

27 minutes

Crime and illegality are ubiquitous in our urban environment, from illegal housing, street art, rough sleeping to organised crime. On this episode of The Urbanist we tackle the illegal city and look at how our cities are dealing with those who are bending the rules.

9 July 2015

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Chapter 1

5 minutes




Chapter 1

Lisbon’s illegal settlements

Cover art for The Urbanist

Clandestine settlements have had a strong presence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area since the 1910s, despite policies to change it. Monocle’s Syma Tariq visits former slum Quinta da Serra to see what lessons can be learnt from its still ongoing transformations.

5 minutes

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Lisbon’s illegal settlements

Chapter 2

6 minutes




Chapter 2

Graffiti and street art in Rio de Janeiro

Cover art for The Urbanist

Brazil has one of the world’s most prolific street-art communities. In Rio de Janeiro, graffiti became legal very recently and for years artists would be arrested for graffiti. And even with new laws that embrace street art, there can still be a grey area around the legality of graffiti.

6 minutes

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Graffiti and street art in Rio de Janeiro

Chapter 3

5 minutes




Chapter 3

Informal housing solutions

Cover art for The Urbanist

Some research indicates that up to 85 per cent of all dwellings worldwide may be classified as illegal. We are joined in the studio by urban anthropologist Line Algoed to learn more about this issue.

5 minutes

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Informal housing solutions

Chapter 4

6 minutes




Chapter 4

Organised crime in Albania

Cover art for The Urbanist

Although Albania is one of Europe’s poorest countries and one of its biggest drug producers, the capital Tirana is a peaceful, pleasant place to live. The country has been slowly cracking down on organised crime and Monocle’s contributor Wif Stenger finds out how far Tirana has come.

6 minutes

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Organised crime in Albania


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