Planning a beautiful waterfront - The Urbanist 208 | Monocle

The Urbanist

So you want to be an urbanist?



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Cover art for The Urbanist

8 October 2015

Episode 208

27 minutes

Photo: S J Pinkney

If you want to build a city, where do you start? From the importance of a well-designed waterfront to a clear balance of architectural aesthetics, we take a look at some of the crucial elements you should consider before you begin to sketch and plan. Plus: how to maximise a city’s potential through a strong digital strategy.

8 October 2015

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Chapter 1

7 minutes

Photo: See-ming Lee




Chapter 1

The periodic table of architecture

Cover art for The Urbanist

Architecture is as much about aesthetics as mathematics but achieving the balance between beauty and numbers is easier said than done. British architect Graham McKay found a way of organising architectural aesthetics into a clear-cut framework: the periodic table of architecture.

7 minutes

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The periodic table of architecture

Chapter 2

6 minutes

Photo: William Warby




Chapter 2

Rachel Haot: creating a strong digital strategy

Cover art for The Urbanist

If you want to build a city today you’ve got to have a strong digital strategy: a relatively new and rapidly developing field of urbanism. Rachel Haot is the chief digital officer and deputy secretary of technology of New York State. She tells us about the best ways to maximise a city’s potential through digital.

6 minutes

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Rachel Haot: creating a strong digital strategy

Chapter 3

5 minutes




Chapter 3

Planning a beautiful waterfront

Cover art for The Urbanist

Rio de Janeiro’s port is one of the oldest parts of the city, with a history dating back to the late 1700s. Gearing up to next year’s Summer Olympics, the port is up for a face-lift. So how do you plan a beautiful waterfront? Monocle’s Sheena Rossiter talks to some urban experts about Rio’s plans for the new Porto Maravilha.

5 minutes

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Planning a beautiful waterfront

Chapter 4

6 minutes

Photo: xiquinhosilva




Chapter 4

Brian Evans: how to build a city from scratch

Cover art for The Urbanist

What is your starting point to build a city when your canvas is empty? For purpose-built cities such as Canberra, Brasília and Abuja, this is a question that urban planners are often faced with. Brian Evans, head of urbanism at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, tells us about some of the factors to take into account when creating a city from scratch.

6 minutes

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Brian Evans: how to build a city from scratch


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Monocle Radio

The Urbanist

So you want to be an urbanist?


  • The Continental Shift