Lessons from Germany
You set a date in the diary a year ahead to talk about cities and how they can act on the global stage, manage inclusion and deliver on education. And then you discover those issues have never been so pertinent as a migrant story of epic proportions unfolds in Europe. That’s what has happened at the Build conference that is taking place in Bilbao this week. Run by the German Marshall Fund it brings together 100 civic leaders and thinkers. On Thursday, Michael Münter, the impressive policy director for the city of Stuttgart, gave a glimpse of how his city is coping with 4,300 migrants who have arrived so far by, for example, providing German lessons from day one. Münter says inclusion must happen with the help of industry and even city hall, which has a campaign to ensure its staff roster reflects a city where 40 per cent of people have a migrant background. But he stressed that Germany cannot take everyone and that many in the city have concerns that must be addressed.