Public eye
Now that US president Donald Trump has agreed to face-to-face talks with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, one of the big questions is where the two leaders could meet. As the sides discuss plans, one former head of state in Asia has weighed in on Twitter with a suggested location: Ulaanbaatar. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, Mongolia’s president from 2009 to 2017, called his country “the most suitable, neutral territory” for a Trump-Kim summit. Though it isn’t Elbegdorj’s decision to make, his idea isn’t unreasonable. Kim is unlikely to agree to a meeting place far from home and Mongolia, which has friendly ties with the US and North Korea (Mongolia’s top diplomat visited Pyongyang just last month) and has sought a role as a neutral regional peacemaker, is that rare Asian nation that poses little threat to either side. Could this be Mongolia’s diplomatic moment in the limelight, even if it is only as the backdrop to a more momentous occasion?