Eat your words
While more than two million citizens continue to flee Venezuela and recent studies reveal that nine in 10 adults are living in poverty, the country’s president Nicolás Maduro splurges on expensive rib-eye steak and smokes Cuban cigars in Istanbul. In the latest update from the South American state, Maduro has sparked rancour after videos of him dining at luxury steakhouse Nusr-Et, owned by internet-famous butcher Nusret Gokce (AKA Salt-Bae), were shared online by the chef. And this isn’t the first time: on a live TV address last year, Maduro snuck bites from an empanada that he pulled from a desk drawer, causing consternation in a country where supermarket shelves are largely empty and the economy is in freefall. The president’s habit of gorging in public does little to inspire confidence in the leader’s capabilities.