Opinion / Jamie Waters
Hitting the net
Remember the QR Code? That squat little barcode that we were told would be the future a decade ago? For a time it was shoved into every magazine and newspaper so that readers could scan it with their smartphones and be taken directly to a particular product on an online shop. Alas it never took off: it looked bad on page and was too fiddly for readers to use.
But now, if NBC Universal (NBCU) and French clothing brand Lacoste have their way, our pixelated pal is making a comeback. Yesterday NBCU launched ShoppableTV, a broadcast initiative in which an alert appears on television sets when a product is shown on screen. Viewers can hold forth their smartphone and use the QR code to buy the product. The first carrot it is dangling is a new Lacoste line being worn by tennis superstar Novak Djokovic as he competes at the French Open, which is running in Paris until next weekend.
ShoppableTV’s success will depend on how seamlessly the technology operates – and how annoyed viewers will be when Djokovic’s matches are interrupted to display the Lacoste x Novak Djokovic collection alongside that familiar black-and-white square. At first sight, it looks like an unforced error rather than an ace.