The Faster Lane / Tyler Brûlé
Your questions answered
The past week saw many kilometres covered on Swiss and French rails – and this meant that there was plenty of time to unzip the Monocle mail sacks and shuffle through the inboxes to respond to unanswered reader queries from the past few weeks. While most readers get a swift, personal response from, some letters are reserved for this column as they demand a group response or a wider airing. Here’s what rose to the top of the pile between Basel and Gare de Lyon.
I’m at that tricky age where there’s suddenly a wave of friends and colleagues getting married and my summer has only a few open weekends for me to do my own thing. First, is it OK to decline a few and, second, should I stick to the wedding list or can I go rogue when it comes to gifts?
I know exactly how you feel. Just when you thought you’d have the first “normal” summer all to yourself, you have to deal with best friends, distant cousins and school friends who all think that their special day demands that you drop everything, book out four days and deploy thousands of dollars, euros or pounds to jump through a few matrimonial hoops. In short, you can, very politely, decline. It’s much better to give advance notice that you won’t be able to make it rather than be a grumpy guest in muggy Tuscany, soggy Devon or on a freaking freezing July Saturday in Sweden. On the gift front, I might suggest a subscription to Monocle or you could also do well paying a visit to Svenskt Tenn – always a good bet for traditionalists and modernists alike.
I’m working on my summer reading stack. Have you read any good books lately?
I’ve just finished A Very Short History of Portugal by AH de Oliveira Marques. It’s a snappy and informative little read but I closed the cover none the wiser on why Portuguese names are so long and how so many men can possibly be called Nuno.
You recently mentioned an event in the US. Is that still happening? Any dates?
For the moment, the best bet is a jump across the border up to Toronto on 28 May for our spring preview. Our US event is still in the works and will probably be in the southeast in the autumn.
Have you noticed that a lot of direct-to-consumer brands spend a lot of time talking up purpose and values but when you try to find out where they’re based or who’s behind them, it’s somehow left out of the ‘about’ part of their brand story?
I have noticed this and there’s a simple reason for it. Companies that overuse the word “purpose” tend to be the type of outfits populated by “founders” who find it offensive to ask where people are from in case it is seen as inappropriate, even racist, and could affect their next round of funding. Once upon a time, asking where someone was from was called “being interested”. So now it’s also the case that we shouldn’t ask where companies are from and focus on their purpose instead. And the fact that there’s never an address under the “contact” heading on websites for such companies is a signal that such ventures also don’t like offices, desks or bringing people together, and are terrified that an angry customer might just show up in person – on purpose.
My partner and I are planning a trip to Japan and we’re wondering when we should go this summer. Thoughts?
I’m off to Tokyo next week on a business visa as the country is still closed for tourism, so I wouldn’t go booking just yet. Let me report back once I’ve scoped out the situation. Regardless, I’d avoid Japan in summer and wait till late September. By then, hopefully, the country should have opened up to regular tourism and dropped the mask recommendations.
I’m about to top up my wardrobe for summer. Any fresh discoveries you can recommend?
I don’t know about my discoveries being necessarily fresh but La Paz’s thin cord shorts have already had some outings over the past few weeks and they get high marks. I’m quite fond of the Asket long cut T-shirts I bought in Stockholm, and a navy jacket from Meta Campania Collective has received quite a few compliments. Ditto some crepe-sole suede loafers from Sanders.
I’ve just bought a ticket to your Quality of Life Conference in Paris. Where are all the fun people staying?
That’s a tough one. All Monocle conference attendees tend to be quite fun and will be scattered around town but I reckon you’ll find the perkiest crowd at the hotel Château Voltaire. See you in the lobby or, if not, the cosy bar. (And if you haven’t booked your place yet, get a ticket here.)