Opinion / Josh Fehnert
Good news
A few members of the Monocle team and I recently hosted a morning meeting for some German newspaper executives at Midori House in London. Amid the pleasant industry chatter, coffee and cardamom buns, an odd question cropped up. “How do you stay positive?” an editor from the paper’s Sunday supplement asked, part pleadingly.
She meant, I think, “Why is Monocle committed to telling optimistic stories and seeking opportunity?” Perhaps she was puzzled by our stance against a backdrop of uncertainty, doom-mongering and dour outlooks (for energy, the economy, the environment – take your pick). I sense she was also expressing a fatigue that I’ve clocked among many journalists caught between the differing demands of print and digital.
It’s easy to see why some publishers are glum. They are under pressure to break (often upsetting) news while paradoxically keeping readers “happy”. Budgets in some quarters are being slashed and there’s pressure to woo new customers and charm advertisers. All while journalists are vying for people’s attention with whatever else is on their minds, phones and coffee tables. Can news compete with listicles, clickbait and cat videos?
In answer to the German journalist, I think there’s plenty to be upbeat about, both in the news we report and the industry we represent. Believe it or not, some people really do care as much about what’s happening in Lviv as on Love Island (a reality TV programme, in case you don’t know).
That faith in our readers’ better instincts is one reason why we are launching The Monocle Companion, which is on newsstands and available online today. It’s a pretty, peachy-hued paperback packed with 50 essays. The authors hold forth on everything from entrepreneurship and anticipation to urbanism and free speech.
So how do we stay upbeat? The same way you can. By looking beyond the headlines to find fresh ideas and solutions that nudge the world towards nicer and more nuanced conclusions. Could curiosity yet kill the cat video? Here’s hoping.
Josh Fehnert is Monocle’s editor and editor of ‘The Monocle Companion: Fifty Ideas to Improve Your Life’. Buy your copy today.