And we’re back. If you have been reading this column over the past two weeks, you will be delighted to know that the return drive from Mallorca to London (with a ferry and the Channel Tunnel in the mix) has been completed. I admit that, as adventures go, it’s not quite Amundsen-in-the-South-Pole territory but not taking a plane really did make it feel special. And, despite the fact that I actually drove sometimes, no divorce papers have been filed (although when I clipped the kerb leaving a service station just past Narbonne there was a moment when all bets were off). And on that – service stations, not whether I should have had an ejector seat added when ordering the car – thank you to reader Michel-Pierre, who emailed detailed and welcome instructions on which services to stop at. His recommendation was to only use Total stations. We tried following his advice but on a Saturday in August, when half of France seemed to be going to or returning from a beach, gite or camping site, even Total’s stops looked like Glastonbury Festival on the final day. But let’s move on.
Petri Burtsoff, our Helsinki correspondent, was in London this week and came to spend a day working at Midori House. At lunchtime, our editor Josh Fehnert, Monocle 24 host and producer Markus Hippi (who is also a Finn) and I took Petri to lunch. All three of them are gentlemen of scale – tall, broad-shouldered; you would want them on your rugby team, though perhaps less so in your interpretive dance troupe. (Meanwhile, with my diminutive stature, I’d be lucky to get a job as club mascot.) When we arrived I said hello to the maître d’, who scanned my guests and said to me, “We’ll be needing a bigger table today, sir.” Some people might have taken offence but I thought that he had made a very wise call and that this was highly amusing. But if he had brought me a booster seat, perhaps my glee would have been diminished.
We have also had James Chambers, our Asia editor who is normally based in Hong Kong, in the office all week. It’s his first trip to the UK since coronavirus emerged and he has brought his wife and son, who was born in lockdown, with him to see his parents in Wales. In Europe we just forget how parts of Asia are still gripped by draconian – and politically expedient – pandemic restrictions. Anyway, all of that unbroken time in HK has had an effect on James. First, he’s invested in a lot of all-weather technical-fibre clothing; he sounded like a giant crisp packet as he wandered around the office. Second, he’s gone a bit HK on video phone calls at top pitch. So James was affronted this week when he was on a call in the street, saying goodnight to his son, and a woman crossed the road and scolded, “You’re a very rude man.” Well, we think that she was objecting to the call – it might have been his crunching attire that was ruining her peaceful stroll.
We are working on our business annual, The Entrepreneurs. One of the stories that we are researching is about people who run two very different businesses – the-builder-who-is-also-a-biscuit-baron kind of vibe. We’re not just talking side hustles but people with the kind of brain that allows them to do very different things or perhaps means that they need to do very different things. And this week a potential writer came to see me who made me think even more about whether it’s best to do one thing well or do lots of things well. He has run branding agencies and been the MD but now, shy of 50, spends part of the week working freelance on big projects that he likes, a day a week volunteering for a celebrated gardener (ahead of starting a gardening course) and, on Saturdays, works as a shop assistant in a place connected to gardening. He said that he wanted to make his work life “plural”, a term that I had never heard used in that context. It’s an accurate description of what many people are wondering about and edging around. It’s not about an unwillingness to work hard, far from it – just a sense that perhaps people want to use all of their skills and passions.
And on getting out into the world, even at Monocle we still have not been able to connect in the ways that we used to but finally I am returning to the US. I completed my ESTA form this week and saw for the first time the section where you can list all of your social media accounts. It’s optional. But for how long? Although if it gets some more likes for pictures of my dog…