We had a party in Paris on Wednesday (indeed, there’s a separate party-people report in this very outing of The Monocle Weekend Edition). And it was fun.
When I took the Eurostar to Paris on Tuesday, it was winter coat-and-scarf weather but by the time I returned on Thursday it was T-shirt-tastic on the mercury front. Spring had busted out in a big way. This meant that the 200 people who came to see our new shop and café on Rue Bachaumont could spill onto the street to smoke and drink their champagne. Unlike in many cities these days, there were no visits from grumpy neighbours shocked that people were talking on the street and no officials prodding you to stand behind some made-up line – just happy people being all that you want Parisians to be. Ah, Paris.
Monocle’s new retail shop, café and radio studio (plus a separate bureau, just a few metres away) are in the Montorgueil neighbourhood of the 2nd arrondissement. From here, you can walk in minutes to Les Halles, the Pompidou Centre or the Pinault Collection at the Bourse de Commerce. So it’s central but it’s not an area that I knew before we took the space.
I snuck off for an hour just before the party to walk the neighbourhood’s streets and, really, it’s an urban miracle. It’s not plagued by empty shops but rather hosts a line-up of outlets that you might add to a drawing of the perfect neighbourhood: fish counters, butchers, shoe-repair shops, old-fashioned chocolateries and modern artisanal bakers. In between there are dry cleaners, key cutters, street-level ateliers and so many thriving bars and cafés. Life tumbled out onto the city’s pavements. I looked with a modicum of envy at the couples young and ancient, and the little dogs sitting in the sun. It’s a well-cast neighbourhood.
Illustration: Mathieu De Muizon
Arriving in a place such as this comes with some responsibilities; you need to play your part. Thankfully, Loriane in the café and Irma in our shop seem to have this well covered. Indeed, it turns out that we have already become part of several locals’ schedules, with regulars heading to the café every morning to read their paper and have their morning jolt of caffeine.
On Thursday, with the sun bright and the birds chirping their lusty spring chorus, I walked for half an hour to Le Marais to visit two people that I had met at our party. Patrick Scherzer and Sissi Pohle live in southern Germany, from where they run a business called Out of Use Berlin (they used to reside in the capital). In those Berlin days they started buying and selling vintage clothing but after the shift to a rural life they added silverware, old patterned crockery and cutlery to their hauls. They also started an Instagram account and found a following. Now they rent their stock for events (they just worked for Netflix) and run occasional pop-ups. They have one in Paris, where I tracked them down this week. They’re great, young and funny, with a unique sense of dress – raffish 19th-century aristocrat meets farmer – and they have found a market that nobody knew existed. A connection made while standing on Rue Bachaumont.
I walked back to base with a spring in my step, imagining myself inserted into every lovely vignette that I observed. Luckily, I am back next week for our Patrons dinner, so I can do some of this for real.
The Monocle Café & Shop, 16 Rue Bachaumont
Out of Use Berlin, 55 Boulevard Beaumarchais, is on until tomorrow (Sunday is the best day to visit as there is a large street demonstration on today).