Who do you think you are? | Monocle

Monocle on Culture

Who do you think you are?



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29 February 2016

Episode 229

29 minutes

This week we’re tackling ideas of self. Where did you come from? What class do you think you are? What signifiers of success do you flaunt? We meet Dan Fox, author of ‘Pretentiousness: Why It Matters’, head to a Brooklyn bar to find out what our choice of drink says about us, nip to the Museum of Brands to find out how we learned to wear brand names as a badge rather than a label and speak to design guru Stephen Bayley about values.

29 February 2016

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Chapter 1

9 minutes




Chapter 1


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Robert Bound meets Dan Fox, author of a new book called Pretentiousness: Why It Matters. Now there’s a good title – and a really good idea. Fox is talking about social mobility: how a working-class boy who appreciates the avant garde might well be improving his life. “We should encourage these people,” says Fox, “not pillory them as pretentious.”

9 minutes

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Chapter 2

5 minutes




Chapter 2

A brief history of branding at the Museum of Brands

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Robert Opie, director of the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising takes reporter Lily Ames on a tour and tells us how we became aware of the brands we associate ourselves with.

5 minutes

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A brief history of branding at the Museum of Brands

Chapter 3

5 minutes




Chapter 3

Shaken not stirred: What your choice of drink says about you

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Some people define themselves by their favourite tipple. Are you a Tanqueray and tonic kind of guy? Perhaps you’re the straight-talking, bourbon-swilling type or maybe your poison is something pink and sweet ordered in a hushed voice at the end of the bar. We wanted to know what bartenders think of the people they serve and how a bar defines itself by the drinks it sells. We sent Monocle’s Megan Billings on a bar crawl – she ended up at Brooklyn’s Extra Fancy where she met bartender and co-owner Rob Kreuger.

5 minutes

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Shaken not stirred: What your choice of drink says about you

Chapter 4

6 minutes




Chapter 4

Writer and design aficionado Stephen Bayley

Cover art for Monocle on Culture

Stephen Bayley has written about social mobility but also has strong feelings about how the things we surround ourselves with signify who we really are – sometimes accidentally.

6 minutes

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Writer and design aficionado Stephen Bayley


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