How do you make a playlist? | Monocle

Monocle on Culture

How do you make a playlist?



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7 March 2016

Episode 230

28 minutes

Playlists are everywhere: in the clothes shop where you bought that new shirt, in the bar where you went for drinks last night, hell – even on the radio. We find out what makes a good playlist with music supervisor Rebecca Grierson, Lebanese DJ Ernesto Chahoud and the Argentinian duo behind Radio Cascabel. Plus: listen to Robert Bound’s efforts at creating his own playlist here.

7 March 2016

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Chapter 1

8 minutes




Chapter 1

Rebecca Grierson: How do you soundtrack a hotel?

Cover art for Monocle on Culture

Rebecca Grierson is a music supervisor and director for Catalyst Music consultancy, a company that provides soundtracks for everything from adverts to hotels. Before this she was a radio producer for big-name music radio shows on the BBC so she’s well-poised to know a thing or two about playlists.

8 minutes

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Rebecca Grierson: How do you soundtrack a hotel?

Chapter 2

3 minutes




Chapter 2

DJ Ernesto Chahoud on analogue playlists

Cover art for Monocle on Culture

Lebanese DJ Ernesto Chahoud doesn’t like playlists – or in fact anything to do with computers and digitally stored music. When he hits the decks he spins his funk and disco favourites on 45s, which he says give him more control to dream up a live playlist on the spot.

3 minutes

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DJ Ernesto Chahoud on analogue playlists

Chapter 3

6 minutes




Chapter 3

Radio Cascabel: The art of the playlist

Cover art for Monocle on Culture

Argentinian duo Diego Jalfen and Estefania Panizza came to London to launch Radio Cascabel, an online radio stream and music-consultancy service that specialises in South American tunes. Together they create playlists of Latino music and invite others to do the same. Holly Fisher meets them in Midori House and hears their top tips for the perfect playlist.

6 minutes

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Radio Cascabel: The art of the playlist

Chapter 4

7 minutes




Chapter 4

Rebecca Grierson: How do you soundtrack an advert?

Cover art for Monocle on Culture

We return to our music-supervisor friend Rebecca Grierson. This time, she tells us how to create a playlist for a film or advert.

7 minutes

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Rebecca Grierson: How do you soundtrack an advert?


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