Ääniä: Finland’s Official Soundscape | Monocle

The Globalist

Ääniä: Finland’s Official Soundscape



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Cover art for The Globalist

6 December 2024

Episode 3479

58 minutes

Photo: Markku Pajunen

How do you capture the sound of a nation? That’s the question Finland asked itself when it commissioned Lauri Porra, one of the country’s most revered contemporary composers, to create a soundscape for the nation. Monocle’s Helsinki correspondent, Petri Burtsoff, caught up with Porra to hear about the creative process behind the project.

6 December 2024

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Chapter 1

8 minutes




Chapter 1

Organising the International Luxury Travel Market

Cover art for The Globalist

Monocle has spent the week at the International Luxury Travel Market on the French Riviera – the annual get together of the crème de la crème of world hospitality. The organisation of the event is performed by Alison Gilmore, who has been in charge of the ILTM for 12 years and oversees everything from the choice of exhibitors to where she places them.

8 minutes

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Organising the International Luxury Travel Market

Chapter 2

6 minutes

Photo: Markku Pajunen




Chapter 2

‘Ääniä’: Finland’s official soundscape

Cover art for The Globalist

How do you capture the sound of a nation? That’s the question Finland asked itself when it commissioned Lauri Porra, one of the country’s most revered contemporary composers, to create a soundscape for the nation. Monocle’s Helsinki correspondent, Petri Burtsoff, caught up with Porra to hear about the creative process behind the project.

6 minutes

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‘Ääniä’: Finland’s official soundscape


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