Manga’s moment
It’s hard to believe there isn’t one already but Japan is finally going to get a national manga museum. As with everything in Tokyo these days, the Manga National Center is scheduled to open in spring 2020 – just in time for the Tokyo Olympics. The costs, which are estimated at ¥10bn (€80m), will mostly be covered by private funds. Monetising the world’s fascination with Japanese manga and anime has been a bafflingly long struggle for the government, not least because deputy prime minister Taro Aso is a huge fan. Aso is part of an all-party group of MPs has been putting together draft plans for the centre. The museum is envisaged as the centrepiece of the project and would collect and exhibit original manga and anime artwork. About time too in a country where one manga title alone – One Piece – has shifted more than 320 million copies and counting.