Keep your friends close
When Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau visited Japan in May, his counterpart Shinzo Abe gave him an effusive welcome. Japan’s prime minister has long sought a closer economic relationship with Canada as other world economies such as the US and the UK appear to be embarking on a more protectionist approach. So why does Canada, whose economy has struggled to buffer against the effects of the tumult in world oil and gas prices, seem reticent to deepen its economic relationship with Japan? The major sticking point appears to be the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), currently being negotiated, which would soften trade barriers between western economies and 12 Pacific-rim nations. Japan is a key supporter of the pact, while Justin Trudeau has expressed concerns. Whatever the outcome of the TPP negotiations, Ottawa should look to tighten its ties with Japan. In a shifting global economic landscape Canada, like many other nations, should embrace new relationships as they emerge. Its economy needs all the friends it can get.