Two steps forward
A landmark ruling in Hong Kong’s high court has set a precedent by stating that people in same-sex relationships have the same visa rights as heterosexual couples. The case surrounds a female couple from the UK who have been campaigning to be together since 2014, after one of them relocated to Hong Kong. Many hope that the new ruling represents a watershed moment for gay rights in Asia, with most countries lamentably behind when it comes to laws surrounding same-sex marriage. Taiwan is slightly ahead of the curve, mind you: a 2017 court ruling could result in it becoming the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage. While the Hong Kong court now dictates that committed same-sex couples should be given spousal visas, the city still defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Work to be done then if the city-state is to live up to its moniker of “Asia’s global city”.