Sustainable building materials and circular construction | Monocle

The Urbanist

Sustainable building materials and circular construction



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Cover art for The Urbanist

18 April 2024

Episode 653

31 minutes

Photo: Alamy

As global urban development continues at pace, the need to use sustainable materials and building techniques in our cities increases. How is innovation helping the construction industry to reduce its impact on the environment? We explore some of the ideas that are hoped to make a difference.

18 April 2024

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Chapter 1

9 minutes

Photo: Getty Images




Chapter 1

From CO2 to concrete

Cover art for The Urbanist

Andy Jones meets the team at Paebbl whose work involves the creation of carbon-capture concrete.

9 minutes

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From CO2 to concrete

Chapter 2

6 minutes

Photo: Fraunhofer WKI




Chapter 2

Making new construction materials from waste

Cover art for The Urbanist

We find out more about Rematbuilt, a German project which aims to use the waste generated by building demolitions and agriculture to create new construction materials.

6 minutes

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Making new construction materials from waste

Chapter 3

7 minutes

Photo: Block Research Group




Chapter 3

Can cement be sustainable?

Cover art for The Urbanist

The cement industry is one of construction’s main producers of greenhouse gases. We wanted to hear from Holcim, a world leading concrete and cement company, to find out how it’s working to help decarbonise the sector and develop alternatives approaches such as 3D printing.

7 minutes

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Can cement be sustainable?

Chapter 4

7 minutes

Photo: Getty Images




Chapter 4

Mass timber construction in Nepal

Cover art for The Urbanist

We speak with Santwana Malakar to find out more about mass timber’s role in bringing sustainable urban development to Kathmandu. So far timber has been an untapped resource in the swiftly growing urban metropolis.

7 minutes

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Mass timber construction in Nepal


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