Turkey’s test
A decisive week starts for Turkey as the country prepares for a referendum on Sunday. If the vote is “yes”, it will deliver a raft of new powers to its president; if it’s a “no”, well, that’s a great unknown especially as the debate takes on an increasingly frenzied pitch. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criss-crossed the country to drum up support and name-called those European nations that didn’t allow his party to rally for the diaspora. Yet the outcome ultimately sits in the hands of those who have kept Erdogan in power for so long – those conservative Turks and Kurds of inner Anatolia who found common ground in Erdogan’s Islamist-lite message and promises of development. After two years of repeated terrorist attacks, a coup and the economy in freefall, this week is the real test of whether Erdogan’s promises still cut it in his heartland.