The firing line
It’s all change in Canberra (no change there then) after an extraordinary week saw the removal of the now former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in favour of the former treasurer Scott Morrison. The veneer of unity may have returned but it’s difficult to see how the new leader will navigate the fractious party any better than his predecessor. The paradoxical nature of the government’s in-fighting is perhaps best illustrated by two of the key issues that led to Turnbull’s demise: climate policy and the same-sex marriage debate. Many of those who joined the leadership coup claimed that the prime minister had veered too far to the left, despite Turnbull’s approach to both issues largely mirroring that of his conservative predecessor Tony Abbott. Australians will be rightly mystified by last week’s events and the new government, most of whom have been left holding the knife, will undoubtedly struggle to explain the motive for this latest political bloodshed.